27 August 2006

Mornings are evil

I'm betting that you think you know what this post is about just from the title... well if you are thinking that it's about me not liking mornings, then you would be right.
Well, it's about 7:30am, and I slept a grand total of about 1.5 hours. That's the problem with going from 6 nights of working 11pm to 7am... and then turning around to work at 8am with only one "day off" (a whole 25 hours (less if you want to count the driving time and the time it takes to actually get out of the hotel, and the time it takes to get ready for work), closer to 22 hours).
I just could not get to sleep last night (that working till 7am thing again), and I didn't till I went to bed at 4:30 am. I'm sure the only reason I fell asleep so quick was because of what Jana and I call "Kitty Magic". "Kitty Magic" is the seemingly magical ability Fozzy has to make me fall asleep.
Okay, I'm tired right now, and I'm sure I will be doubly so by the time I get off work. Maybe things will go good at work and I will be able to skip out a bit early and make up the time later in the week.


starbender said...

I hate having 2 leave the comfort of my bed....

Duane said...

Glad I'm not the only normal one in the world.