20 August 2006

Another day and another rough night

Well, last night was another rough one for me. I had trouble getting to sleep. Just layed awake, and talked to Jana - I guess I was a grup to boot. I think I fell asleep about 3:30am, after Jana massaged me for about an hour (thank you again). I prefer to go to bed and sleep around that time, if not a little later - but not when I have to work in the morning. Well, I'm up, and I feel like posting for a couple of minutes before I get ready.
I'm going to work this morning, all bright eyed and bushy taile (okay, not really, but I can lie - it's my blog after all). Today shall be an interesting day, I will be taking care of housekeeping - and I won't have to watch the Front Desk at the same time - enough coverage. Too bad the boss didn't listen to me and give the guy who is coming back today a few days worth of retraining before he started on again.
Yesterday I relized that I'm not skinny, okay, I'm fat (good thing Jana doesn't read). Guess I knew that before, it just never hit me before. Now what am I going to do about it? I guess some exercise and diet is in order - where to start, it all seems kind of daunting. I'll have to give some extra thought to this.
I'm off to get ready for work. Woohoo, extra woo.