21 September 2006

Not much

Boy, I use that title a lot - though, not enough for my tastes. After being woken yesterday about work, today has gone really well. No calls form work, didn't have to do a thing - it's nice for a change. The weather has been rather dreary, so neither Jana or I have felt like doing anything. I've watched a couple movies (since I have that working on my laptop now), played some music and been lazy - though I did some exercise earlier.

The only odd thing to report is that I have felt weird lately - not at all myself. At work I can't concentrate (messing-up) on the stuff that I should be able to do with my eyes closed. At home I feel more lethargic then I feel I should. All of this is broken by periods of feeling great (thinking that everything is great) only to find that something wasn't right after all. I just can't get it together - and it's hard to get it together when you can't focus long enough to do so... but I have no choice (and I would not choose any other choice even if I had one) - I have to get it together. But how? You know, I think it's time I made a doctors appointment.