05 September 2006

What a day

Not much really happend. Got up too early - after going to bed early because I didn't feel well. I played on the computer for a bit before I relized that I was still tired (I can't wait till Wednesday when I can sleep all I want). Jana and I then went and got a sweet treat - yep that diet is going great. Then I went to work for 12.5 hours - it was very slow there.
Now I'm writting the message as Jana is threatening Fozzy because he is being hyper and she wants to sleep. Better get to bed, I have to be to work by 7am. Another fun day when I work with only 4 hours sleep.
I don't need a sleep study, I need a predictable sleep schedule - that doesn't go against my natural sleep schedule (where to find a good paying job that would allow me to go to bed at 5 or 6 am, and still get enough sleep).