08 September 2006

Vet trip

Guess what today was... nope, that wasn't it. Today was the day Jana and I had to take poor Fozzy to the vet. It all started when we had to get him into his travel kennel. Needless to say, Fozzy wasn't too happy with that, he whined from the moment he got in the kennel, till about halfway to the vet - about 15 minutes. The actual appointment didn't go to bed, when I took him out of the kennel to get him weighed (13 and some odd pounds) he put himself as close against me as possible. Then when we got into the exam room, he deiced that hiding under the bench would be the best course of action.
The vet was very good with him, and he behaved (except for when they were getting the facial sample). The vet said he has a clean bill of health - go Fozzy go.
We then had to wait for Bev to get off work so that she could come see Fozzy. While we were waiting for her, a little dog came in. Once Fozzy heard that dog, he thought the far corner of the kennel would be the best place for him. By the way, the dog weighed less the Fozzy - by a pound.
Once Jana opened the front door, Fozzy started to whine, he knew he was home and wanted out of that kennel right then. After a couple minutes of getting used to being back home, he got some treat. Now he's bathing - his little rear end seems to be a popular place to lick.