09 September 2006

Online Music Services

Well, I'm going to rant here for a minute - so if you don't want to read that, then please don't read on. You have been warned.

Okay, today I have one simple thing that I want to do - I haven't wanted to do this in a while - since before I changed to an all Linux system. I wanted to download one song - I even wanted to pay for it. Simple, right? Nope, not when you use Linux apparently. I don't blame Linux on any of this, I blame the places that sell the music.
Previously I used iTunes on Windows, they don't make a Linux version (I searched high and low for a version that would work with Linux). Then I thought, well Wal-Mart sells music, and it doesn't require any large program to sell it, they don't support Linux either, basically only WinXP (not even Mac).
Okay, so I don't find any programs that will download music nativity on a Linux machine - so I do what any simisane computer geek would do - I hop onto the forums. Oddly enough, I came up blank, I saw where someone asked about this same thing - about a year ago, but there was no solution posted. I did find ways of getting iTunes for Windows to work under Linux - but it doesn't work that well apparently - not worth my time to try that...
I really don't want to spend $14.00+ on a CD, just for one song - even if I would like the other 10 songs - it's still cheaper to download them all.
What BS.