Okay, todays post is a two parter (maybe three, I haven't decided yet) .
Part 1 - Sports
Okay, I know this is going to be sensitive one - so I'm going to do it first. Now please keep in mind I don't follow pro sports, I actually rather hate them, so this post is going to be a rant from that perspective. You have been warned, if you don't like that point of view, then I would not suggest reading on.
Now today was a big day in Iowa - a football (American) game; today was the day that the two major Iowa colleges played a game against each other. Not a big deal, and not something that I would normally rant about - but there is more. Since Wednesday, that has been all the talk, and starting Thursday I saw people in businesses wearing shirts to reflect which college they supported (I mean the employees). Friday that is almost all I saw, that and cars with an ever increasing number of stickers and flags on them. Today that is all anyone wanted to watch on the TV.
I don't understand this obsession with football, pregame shows, postgame shows, clothing, complete car makeovers, multiple TV stations only about that, and the such. People seem to spend way too much time worshiping a *game*. At least here in Iowa, that's how it is.
Today the satalite at work was having some problems due to some bad weather. Apparently peoples only complaint about it was - they could not watch their football game. Now I want everyone to take a step back, look how people treat this game, and
TE###33333333333333####################FW@gvbbbbbbbbbbbb (that's from the cat) tell me that it is not an obsession, and that people don't spend wholly too much time and energy on it.
Part 2 - Homework
I came across an interesting article today, it reflected a thought that I had when I was in school and even after I left school. The article was about the amount of homework that schools give to children. It's just way too much. In high school I was normally up till about 2:30am doing homework, only to get up at 5am, so that I had enough time to finish my homework before school started; granted I was taking more classes then most, but if you cut it down to a normal class load, it was still too much homework. I want everyone to look back on when they were in school, did homework want to make you go back to school, or to live a life of learning? If your answer was "yes", then I bet you are in the minority. Homework is tedious and normally rather pointless (at least to the extreams that it is given). Take the many many hours I spent on spelling words for class - I still can't do it, I use spell check or a dictionary to make sure words are correct.
How about, instead of giving children hours of pointless, frustrating work, why let them have more choices in how they learn? If you give them the option to learn what they want to learn - and relate the other subjects to that - then you will have sparked their interest and the desire to learn, wouldn't that be worth the extra costs? Maybe someone needs to start a school that does just that...
Here is the link to the article:
The Myth about Homework I also saw a book by the same title in Barnes and Nobel tonight.
Part 3 - I guess it was going to be three subjects after all
Never mind, it's hard to type with a cat in your lap.