14 January 2007

Stranded in Iowa - Part 2

I got up nice and early this morning, after having a short rest at the hotel. I then came back to work, since I was scheduled at 7am. I come into work only to find out that the person who was suppose to work the late night shift had to go to the hospital and would not be in - guess who gets to work the shift now. I called Jana and told her that I had to work the shift, needless to say, this was another time I disappointed her. I feel like a jackass.
Despite being tired, at 15:00 (3pm) I will go to a room, sleep, come down to work at 23:00 (11pm) and try to find some time to eat in the middle. Come hell or high water (I've always wanted to type that) I'm heading home at 7am tomorrow. I need to see Jana and Fozzy, I would like to feel comfortable for a while, oh and be able to change clothes (I think I'm starting to smell funky despite a shower).
Last night I was afraid that I would have trouble waking up, which was not the case, so I set three different alarms. Let me tell you, they all work well enough to wake me up on their own. I used the room alarm clock, my cell phone, and the laptop.