Feeling geeky
I've been wanting to setup a server at home, that I could access from anywhere; too bad I have been too cheap to pay for a static IP, or a Dynamic IP service and I haven't had a domain name in a while.
Since work has been a bit slow as of late, and I've been working on learning shell scripting, I thought I would try my hand at creating a few scripts to help me out. One script to fetch the servers outside IP address and upload that to an FTP server (yes, I know security concerns), and another to pull that IP address from the FTP server and apply the updated IP address to my laptop's hosts file. I have it working on my server at work, and should have it working on my home server after I set the box up this weekend.
The only thing I'm not happy about is using an outside FTP server, bit I'll look for a better solution to that a bit later.
Anyone familiar with DynDNS.com? I happened to spot it while looking for a Dynamic IP service, good, bad, or ugly?
While I'm feeling geeky, I think I'll try writing the AI for Data (from TNG), should be done in a week or two.
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