01 July 2007

Young bendable minds

I ran into this post from Diet Blog. I think it goes to show how much children learn from their environment. When you consider that a child's mind is basically a sponge that will absorb everything, then isn't everyone's job to set a good example?
No one is perfect, not by a long shot; most of us have habits that we would prefer that the next generation not pick-up (Smoking, finger nail chewing, vanity, etc.). From the time that a parent finds out that they will be taking care of a new life, they need to find what habits they are not proud of, write them on a list, and work on not showing them to the next generation. That is not an easy process, but it can be a rewarding one. People will find that in the process of not showing the next generation those listed habits, that the habits in question will start to disappear. Children aren't the only ones with a bendable mind.
