29 December 2006


Who doesn't need to do more exercise in their daily life? Okay, apparently the Amish don't, but for the rest of us, I'm willing to bet that we could all use a bit more exercise. What got me thinking about this was a blog post I read (while not exercising). The post was a person wondering if the Nintendo Wii would help slow down the obesity trend in youngsters - personally, I think it could *help*, but I'm not sure how much since I haven't been able to try out the Wii yet. The post brought me to another blog post about a man who would only play World of Warcraft when he was riding his exercise bike... what a great idea!
I wish that I could find a way to do something I love and add exercise into the mix - no sex is not what I mean, though that would qualify from what I just said. I just don't think that I can find anything that I like to do that would cause me to loose concentration on peddling or anything that I might do. I should take that back, what I do like to do that would give me that kind of concentration on one thing I just don't feel that I have time to do it.

Man, time is always an issue, I effectivly work 12 hours a day, or more, and try to sleep eight, that only leaves me four hours with Jana and Fozzy, I don't think that's enough. Maybe I should try this when I drop Jana off in Wyoming for two months, it will keep me occupied, and I won't feel bad. Thoughts thoughts...

Quick note, it looks like the Wii is the least expensive new game system... this could be a good thing.