30 September 2007

Hotel key cards and internet information

This morning I ran into a guest who insisted that she needed to keep her key card (I work in a hotel), due to the *fact* that we have her name, address, and credit card number on there. Apparently she read a rather long article about it, of all places, on the internet. I would like to make a couple points here:

  1. Hotels do not encode personal information onto key cards, doing so would be just plain foolish.
    1. It is a major liability issue for the hotel, and the lock manufacturers.
    2. Hotels have no reason to encode that information.
    3. In about half the hotels that use key cards the encoder is not even attached to the computer.
  2. People are not using common sense when they receive information from the internet. The internet makes in extremely easy for people to give information, and to receive information; this does not make every bit of information on the internet true, in fact in makes the information on the internet less reliable than information that you would receive in person.
    1. Repeating false information, that you received on the internet, in real life only makes you seem more foolish than the original article.
    2. When you receive information from the internet that claims to be absolutely true, do some research. You will be surprised at just how often the information is false.
    3. If you receive an email, that contains false information, from someone be sure to send back an email explaining what was inaccurate.